Multifoil: experienced manufacturer of barrier tape

Polycarbonate material is very easy to handle and it comes in many different styles, that suit a wide variety of applications. Polycarbonate sheets are used for instance for DIY carports, in football stadiums or in greenhouses and observatories. Polycarbonate offers a light construction and is very sustainable. A downside to using polycarbonate sheets however is their permeability. The condensation within sheets will turn them green and dirty over time. Thankfully, Multifoil has developed a barrier tape to prevent this issue. With our moisture resistant breather tape, you can prevent moisture and dirt from settling within polycarbonate sheets, while still allowing condensation to find a way out. Multifoil has been a top manufacturer of durable AntiDUST® tape for many years, specialising in a wide range of solutions:
- Barrier tape
- carport tape
- sky light tape
- punched tape
- blanking tape
- pressure sensitive tape
Breather tape is used to seal open flute ends on polycarbonate sheets, to prevent the migration of dust and insects into the sheets. Our breather tape and filter tape also help to reduce the risk of condensation in the flute chambers. Breather tape needs to be fitted to the lower end of the sheet, to keep out dust and moisture while letting out condensation. Once the panels have been sealed correctly with out barrier tape, they are ready for fitting.
More information about
AntiDUST® tape?
Why is condensation is a problem for multi-wall sheets?

Condensation is a natural phenomenon, but poses a threat for multi-wall sheets. Water inside the walls of polycarbonate sheets forms a perfect environment for algae and fungi to develop, greatly weakening a structure. Our filter tape is specially designed to let condensation out from between your sheets, never allowing algae, fungi or mould a chance to develop.
Why use AntiDUST® breather tape and filter tape?

All our tapes have been designed with one solution in mind: keeping polycarbonate sheets clean, dry and durable. Several factors set our filter tape apart. The first is our use of high end non-woven material, that easily guides condensation outside. At the same time, our filter tape forms a strong barrier against algae, insects, dust and even fungi. The tape allows for the right amount of ventilation, which prevents mould from forming within polycarbonate sheets. Thanks to the strong adhesive of our AntiDUST® tape, it is weather, moisture and temperature resistant. The tape expands and contracts with the sheet, making it's seal strong and reliable no matter the circumstances.
Using polycarbonate sheets and carport tape
Polycarbonate sheets can be used for multiple purposes, creating lightweight roofs for carports, conservatories, garages or studios. As a manufacturer of industrial carport tape, we know exactly why it's important to make sure polycarbonate sheets are sealed correctly. Our filter tape is used to seal the tops of polycarbonate sheets, ensuring a durable structure that is protected from moisture and dirt. Moisture and dirt will naturally follow gravity: that's why it's important to apply waterproof blanking tape at the top of a panel, but use filter tape at the bottom. This allows condensation to naturally flow out of the sheets.
Application tools for filter tape and breather tape
Our AntiDUST® tapes are pressure sensitive. This means that a little bit of pressure needs to be applied in order to create the best tack. That's why we, as a manufacturer of breather tape, also focus on supplying tools to create the best adhesive for our products. Think for instance of table dispensers, handheld guns or pressure rollers. These can help speed up the process of any project or production. Interested in our specialist tools for applying filter tape? Do not hesitate to contact us for an overview of your options.
Order customized vapor barrier tape
Multifoil is a specialist in solutions for sealing many types of structures and materials. We produce full width breathing tapes in varying roll lengths, but also offer customized tape sizing. Upon request, we can also supply personalized tapes with a company logo or slogan. As a top supplier of different kinds of breather tape, we are always happy to help you find the perfect solution for your project or client. Are you interested in the price of our barrier tape or sky light tape? Do not hesitate to contact us via our website. Our experienced staff is always ready to brainstorm with you or provide you with advise about the best tape for your business.